
Elite Encounters: The Astounding Top 10 Voyager Episodes

Paramount / Paramount has a long history of producing Star Trek, with each series churning out a high number of episodes per year. While the franchise has been commercially successful, it often faced creative exhaustion and restrictions from the studio and network. Despite this, Star Trek: Voyager remains a solid and entertaining show, particularly for fans. In this list of the 10 best Voyager episodes, we appreciate the episodes that took risks and had emotional intensity or creative spark. These episodes dared to be heavy, silly, sappy, or mean, and showcased the potential of the series. So, let’s raise a glass to the journey and explore some of the standout episodes from Star Trek: Voyager.

10. Counterpoint (season 5, episode 10):
Counterpoint presents an ongoing story in which Voyager is inspected by agents of a fascist government, the Devore. Captain Janeway attempts to smuggle telepathic refugees to safety while putting on a facade of cooperation for the Devore Inspector Kashyk. The episode is particularly strong in terms of production, with subtle creative choices building tension. Kate Mulgrew delivers a subtle and human performance, showcasing Janeway’s conviction and vulnerability.

9. The Thaw (season 2, episode 23):
The Thaw stands out as a boldly off-putting episode featuring a maniacal AI played by Michael McKean. Voyager encounters a group of aliens trapped in suspended animation who are tormented by a virtual reality character known as “the Clown.” As the crew attempts a rescue, the episode becomes a trip through horror, comedy, and a character study. McKean’s performance as the homicidal clown adds a delightful and mesmerizing element to the episode.

8. Mortal Coil (season 4, episode 12):
In Mortal Coil, the often-reviled character Neelix takes center stage. Neelix, a survivor of a devastating war, finds himself questioning his beliefs and experiencing deep melancholy after being brought back to life by advanced Borg medicine. This episode allows Neelix’s character to delve into nuanced themes of belief, mortality, depression, and suicidal ideation. The exploration of these heavy topics adds depth to Neelix’s character and showcases Ethan Phillips’ acting abilities.

Overall, these episodes exemplify the moments when Star Trek: Voyager took risks and explored new territory. They showcase the potential of the series beyond its procedural television nature and provide thought-provoking and entertaining content for viewers.


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