
Scientists uncover long-lost river near pyramids, shedding light on ancient Egyptians’ construction methods

Researchers have recently uncovered evidence suggesting that the ancient Egyptians may have had assistance in building the pyramids from a long-lost river, rather than extraterrestrial help. The discovery of a previously unknown branch of the Nile near dozens of pyramid sites supports the theory that massive stone blocks were transported to the construction sites by floating them on rafts down rivers.

For centuries, the mystery of how the ancient Egyptians managed to transport colossal stone blocks over great distances to construct their monuments has puzzled scholars. Floating the blocks on rafts down rivers has long been considered a plausible explanation, but the Nile, which is located kilometers away from the pyramids, presented a challenge to this theory. However, a new study suggests that a branch of the Nile, named “Ahramat” (meaning pyramids in Arabic), once flowed much closer to the pyramid sites before drying up over time.

Using satellite imagery, geophysical surveys, and sediment analysis, researchers have reconstructed the path of the ancient Ahramat river branch. The findings indicate that the branch ran parallel to the modern Nile, approximately 2.5 to 10.25 km west of it, and passed by numerous pyramid sites. The river was between 2 and 8 meters deep and 200 to 700 meters wide, similar in size to the current Nile.

The proximity of the Ahramat branch to the pyramid sites suggests that it may have served as a waterway for transporting construction materials. The discovery sheds light on ancient Egyptian engineering methods and could lead to new archaeological excavations in the region. This groundbreaking research, published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment, offers valuable insights into ancient Egyptian civilization and the construction of their iconic pyramids.

Jane Austen

A tech enthusiast unraveling complex concepts. Writes on AI, cybersecurity, and software trends.