
Underwater signals for locating final crash site of MH370 discovered through airplane hydroacoustic analysis

Research conducted at Cardiff University suggests that signals captured on underwater microphones could be crucial in locating airplanes like MH370 when they crash into the ocean. The study, published in Scientific Reports, analyzed over 100 hours of data from hydrophones following historical aircraft accidents and a submarine disappearance. The findings provide recommendations for further investigation into aircraft crash locations and offer a framework for addressing similar incidents in the future.

Ocean impacts from airplane crashes create unique acoustic signatures that travel long distances through the water, detected by hydrophone technology on the seabed. Dr. Usama Kadri from Cardiff University highlighted that pressure signals from past aircraft crashes were clearly detected on hydrophones, even at distances exceeding 3,000km. The study suggests that conducting field experiments, such as controlled explosions along the 7th arc while monitoring signals received at hydroacoustic stations, could provide insights into locating missing aircraft like MH370.

The disappearance of MH370 in 2014 prompted this research, aiming to explore the detectability of aircraft crashes in the ocean and the potential role of hydroacoustic technology in search and rescue operations. While no definitive signal has been identified to launch a new search for MH370, following the study’s recommendations could potentially help authorities assess the relevance of observed signals and shed light on the missing aircraft’s location.

By conducting experiments with energy levels similar to the impact of MH370 and analyzing signals received at hydroacoustic stations, authorities may narrow down potential crash locations for airplanes in the future. This approach was successfully used in the search for the ARA San Juan submarine, demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of utilizing hydroacoustic technology in search and rescue missions for vanished aircraft or submarines. The study underscores the importance of continued research in leveraging underwater signals to locate aircraft that have crashed in the sea.


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