
Effective ways to block spam calls on your iPhone

In this article, you will learn effective methods to block spam calls on your iPhone. We will go over different settings and features that can help you filter out unwanted calls. Additionally, we will explore the use of third-party apps that specialize in blocking spam calls. By the end of this article, you will have a variety of techniques at your disposal to ensure a spam-free calling experience on your iPhone.

Effective ways to block spam calls on your iPhone


Spam calls have become a growing nuisance for iPhone users worldwide. These unwanted calls not only disrupt your daily routine but can also pose a threat to your privacy. Fortunately, there are various effective methods to block spam calls on your iPhone. In this article, we will explore several strategies that will help you regain control over your phone and keep those pesky spam callers at bay.

1. Utilize built-in features

Your iPhone comes with built-in features that can help you combat spam calls. By enabling these features, you can significantly reduce the number of unsolicited calls you receive.

Enable Silence Unknown Callers

One of the easiest ways to block spam calls is to enable the ‘Silence Unknown Callers’ feature on your iPhone. This feature automatically silences calls from unknown numbers by sending them straight to voicemail. To enable it, go to Settings > Phone > Silence Unknown Callers and toggle the switch.

Create a Custom Contact to Block Calls

Another built-in feature allows you to create a custom contact to block specific phone numbers. By adding unwanted numbers to this contact, you can prevent calls or messages from them reaching your iPhone. To create a custom contact, open the Phone app, go to Contacts, and select the ‘+’ icon. Name the contact as ‘Spam’ or any other suitable name, and add the numbers you want to block.

Use the Do Not Disturb feature

Utilizing the Do Not Disturb feature can help you silence all incoming calls and notifications, allowing you to have uninterrupted peace of mind. This feature can be scheduled to automatically activate during specific times, such as when you’re sleeping or in a meeting. To enable Do Not Disturb, go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and customize the settings according to your preferences.

Effective ways to block spam calls on your iPhone

2. Install third-party apps

While the built-in features are effective, additional protection can be achieved by installing third-party apps specifically designed to block spam calls.

Research and choose a reliable spam call-blocking app

Start by researching and reading reviews about different spam call-blocking apps available on the App Store. Look for apps with high ratings and positive user feedback. Some popular options include Truecaller, Nomorobo, and Hiya.

Download and install the chosen app

Once you’ve chosen the app that best fits your needs, download and install it from the App Store. Ensure that you grant the necessary permissions for the app to effectively block spam calls on your iPhone.

Configure the app settings

After installing the app, take some time to explore its settings and customize them according to your preferences. You may find options to block calls from specific countries, create whitelists, or even identify unknown callers.

3. Implement network-based solutions

Apart from utilizing iPhone features and third-party apps, you can also seek help from your service provider to implement network-based solutions for spam call blocking.

Contact your service provider to activate spam call blocking

Reach out to your service provider and inquire about their spam call-blocking services. Many providers offer features such as call filtering, call blocking, and even caller ID services. By activating these services, you can benefit from an additional layer of protection against spam calls.

Utilize network-level features and services

Some service providers offer advanced network-level features and services to combat spam calls. These features leverage analytics and databases to identify and block calls from known spam numbers. Contact your service provider to explore such options and take advantage of these network-level solutions.

Effective ways to block spam calls on your iPhone

4. Be cautious with your phone number

Prevention is always better than cure. By being cautious with your phone number, you can avoid spam calls altogether.

Avoid providing your phone number to untrusted sources

Be mindful of sharing your phone number with untrusted sources, especially online platforms or websites that seem suspicious. Read privacy policies and terms of service thoroughly before sharing your contact information.

Be cautious when entering your phone number online

When filling out forms or signing up for services online, pay attention to the checkboxes or fine print that may indicate your consent to share your phone number with third-party advertisers. Opt out of these options to reduce the chances of receiving unwanted spam calls.

5. Report spam calls

Reporting spam calls not only helps you but also contributes to a larger effort in combating this problem.

Use the built-in iPhone feature to report spam calls

If you receive a spam call, take advantage of the built-in feature that allows you to report and block it. Simply go to your recent calls, tap the ‘i’ icon next to the spam call, and scroll down to find the ‘Report Junk’ option. This helps Apple gather data on spam calls and take action accordingly.

Inform your service provider about spam calls

Contact your service provider and inform them about any recurring spam calls you are receiving. By reporting these incidents, you can help them improve their spam call-blocking services and protect other users from similar nuisance calls.

Effective ways to block spam calls on your iPhone

6. Strengthen your privacy settings

Lastly, strengthening your privacy settings can provide an additional layer of protection against unwanted calls.

Adjust caller identification settings

Go to Settings > Phone and explore the caller identification settings on your iPhone. Ensure that your iPhone is set to display incoming calls from contacts only, as this can reduce the chances of receiving spam calls.

Protect your personal information and data

Be cautious when sharing your personal information and data online. Avoid clicking on suspicious email links, downloading files from unverified sources, or sharing sensitive information on unencrypted websites. By practicing good cybersecurity habits, you can minimize the risk of your contact information falling into the hands of spammers.


In conclusion, spam calls can be a major annoyance, but by implementing these effective methods, you can effectively block them on your iPhone. Utilize the built-in features, install reliable third-party apps, implement network-based solutions, be cautious with your phone number, report spam calls, and strengthen your privacy settings. By taking proactive measures, you can regain control over your phone and enjoy a hassle-free calling experience.

Effective ways to block spam calls on your iPhone


Tech savant navigating the digital frontier. Writes on AI, cybersecurity, and emerging tech. Combines technical expertise with a passion for accessibility. Enjoys gaming and exploring new coding languages.

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