
Factors Influencing Battery Charging Speed: Microstructural Modeling for Optimal Electrode Materials

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are delving into the factors that determine how quickly a battery can be charged through computer-based simulations. By studying microstructural models, they aim to discover and investigate new electrode materials, such as sodium-nickel-manganese oxide used in sodium-ion batteries.

The crystal structure of cathode materials like sodium-nickel-manganese oxides undergo modifications during charging, leading to elastic deformation and a decrease in capacity. While these materials show promise, they face challenges with fast charging due to mechanical stress that can damage the material permanently.

Through a combination of simulations and experiments, researchers have identified degradation mechanisms in the crystal structure of the material that result in capacity loss. These findings pave the way for the development of long-lasting battery materials that can be charged quickly.

The study, published in npj Computational Materials, sheds light on the importance of understanding basic processes to optimize electrode materials for batteries. With further research, sodium-ion batteries could become more widespread in the next five to ten years.

Jane Austen

A tech enthusiast unraveling complex concepts. Writes on AI, cybersecurity, and software trends.