
Tri-band Electrochromic Smart Windows: Optimal Structure for Energy Efficiency

A groundbreaking study led by Prof. Cao Xun from the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, has introduced a novel electrochromic (EC) structure for energy-efficient windows. This innovative research has been published in the prestigious journal, Nature Sustainability.

Electrochromic smart windows have emerged as a promising technology in the realm of energy-efficient buildings, thanks to their ability to dynamically regulate solar radiation with external voltage stimuli. The research team, under Prof. Cao’s leadership, has focused on enhancing EC performance by improving response speed and contrast ratio. However, challenges remain in mitigating the impact of solar radiation and outdoor temperature.

In their study, the researchers devised a cutting-edge electrochromic smart window system utilizing a VO2-WO3 tandem film and a solid electrolyte to control solar heat and sunlight transmittance simultaneously. This tri-band optimization enables independent regulation of near-infrared (NIR) and visible transmittance of sunlight by allowing Li+ to diffuse through VO2 and WO3. The design advantage of VO2 lies in its ability to maintain non-volatility compared to WO3, as the barriers for maintaining and changing the state are uncoupled.

The newly developed EC-based windows have demonstrated superior energy-saving capabilities compared to commercial low-E glass in various climates worldwide. Simulation results indicate significant savings in heating and cooling energy costs. Outdoor experiments conducted in both Sanya, Hainan Province, and Shanghai have shown a substantial reduction in indoor temperatures, ranging from 2°C to 14°C, throughout a clear sunny day.

This groundbreaking research on tri-band electrochromic smart windows for energy savings in buildings is a significant step towards sustainable and efficient architectural design. The study, authored by Zewei Shao et al., is published in Nature Sustainability. For more information, please refer to the original publication by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Jane Austen

A tech enthusiast unraveling complex concepts. Writes on AI, cybersecurity, and software trends.